Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Descriptions

One of the things I love about being a mom is the development of language! How fun is it to see their little minds wrap around concepts, listen intently to your description, and then try and blurt out their name for the item.  TOO CUTE!

So here's my quick little snippet of the newest words my girls have started.  You all heard their animal noises from the video several blogs ago (Talent Show on Tuesday) that has been most of the new words for them both.  Ashley started try to repeat things I tell her, like fish, we tried Norah.. kinda came out as Nene, but hasn't stuck yet... but mostly just little one syllable words.  Norah on the other had refuses to say one syllable words, but if I give her a two syllable word she goes for it! It's been pretty fun, and the one that has stuck so far is of our special gift from Uncle Randy - the Bobble head.  You can say, "Where's your Bobble Head?" and she responds, "Bob-bo!" and then runs/toddles to her toy and whacks his head and again says "Bob-Bo!" Too fun right?!

Long story short, I love my girls and all their little adventures and descriptions!

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