Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thing Thursdays

My thought for Thursday would be to share items with you that I think are interesting... most likely I love them :)

So for my first Thing Thursday... I present to you the Video Monitor! It is a need for every mom because as your wonderful little baby sleeps you can watch.  Now, many of you right now may be thinking "why in the world would I need to watch my child sleep?" Let me tell you! This is not a need so that you can dote over your cutie 24/7 (though that is an extra joy of this product); it is a need so that your child can learn sleeping habits and coping skills without being unnecessarily interrupted.  Babies from day one are learning to handle sleep cycles. As their sleep cycles begin, end, and start over again, the child wakes and then falls back to sleep.  When the child wakes it is very common to go check on your babe by going into their room, thus stimulating them and causing them to fully wake... unless you can simple watch them without them knowing! Being able to watch your child without entering the room allows your baby to learn coping skills but not be abandoned.  You will quickly be able to see (visually) if your child is simply putting themselves back to sleep, or if they need your physical attention. :)

I am a huge fan of sleep training, not as much specific timing, as to find your child's natural rhythm. My girls are great sleepers, and I owe much of that to being able to check on them without interrupting their sleep or ability to learn to cope.  Because let me tell you, if my girls see me... its all over, they will not fall back asleep thus waking fully up, even if I know they need more sleep. :)  Thank you Video Monitor!

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